Monday, March 30, 2009
"Yeah, we punch 'em in the neck, then they get better" or "I throw them down the stairs, then bill you for it."
Why do I do this?
I have no idea. I guess I just have a chip on my shoulder because not everyone recognizes how good we are at keeping people healthy. The bottom line is that I know we should be the first stop for keeping kids healthy in all of St. Charles and we aren't yet. That irks me. The fact that people don't know about us irks me. People don't send me cars, cards, baseball tickets, or get my name tatoo'd on thier arms, I guess that irks me too.
There is nothing worse than being fantastic and no one knowing it.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Whether you like it or not, whether you care or not, you get healthier. You don't have a choice. Why? Because your state of health is the product of your knowledge of health. Think of it this way, if you really understood what was in soda I guarantee you wouldn't drink it or give it to your kids, even to shut them up. If you knew how that sugary b.s. was pounding your pancreas, depressing your immune system, and throwing rocks through your windows you wouldn't even think about eating it, no matter how good it tastes. The problem is that so many people make so much money off you being fat, sick, depressed, and addicted that they can fund ads for hours and hours. These ads mislead, misquote, and confuse you as to what is healthy and what is not. Better yet, they make their product seem "not that bad". Meanwhile your gut and spine are rotting while you cover up the symptom of back pain with pain killers.
Not here though, nope.
In our office, you get an education, and an adjustment. Nothing formal, no classroom style stuff, but every single time we see you we explain a different facet of human health. Because we usually will see you more often than medical check-ups we can build on your education. Naturally, you begin to make healthier decisions.
Because, if you don't, I ask you why.
If your medical doctor gives you recommendations and you don't do them, what happens? Doesn't much matter does it? You won't be seeing him again for months. You are much more likely to follow my recommendations because I'll be seeing you again on a shorter time table. This creates accountability, which I know is the second biggest problem with the current medical paradigm. No one takes any accountability for your health, and no one holds your ass accountable for your decisions.
No one, that is, except us.
You cannot argue with our methods or our results. 1000 spines a month, 6 years and I can count on one hand the number of people we couldn't "fix".
Bragging? Hell yes I am.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Why do it?
Your insurance company relationships will be a joke. They don't want to pay, they don't acknowledge chiropractic, they make it as hard as they possibly can for you to get reimbursed. All this despite the documented fact that you are saving them millions with every full day of adjusting.
Your personal injury cases will go to hell. Money will sour your patient relationships, bargaining and re-bargaining will make you feel like an expensive prostitute.
M.D.s? Please. You will be as much colleagues as the Cubs are to the Cardinals. Same game, different breed of player.
Long hours, stress, bills, all factors in your practice as a chiropractor.
So why do it?
Because you are a friggin' doctor man. Because some crappy Thursday while you are stuck in the office someones mom calls the office and she is out of her mind. She has called every doctor in town and been to the ER twice. Her kid can't breathe well and the drugs aren't working. She heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that you help kids and hopes you can help. You put off lunch to wait while she races to the office. When they get there you can tell she is absolutely losing it, fully caught up between having some witch doctor crack on her baby and the long, labored breathing of the child.
You begin to talk about what it is chiropractors do but she isn't there, she can't hear a word you are saying. Her kid is in trouble and she is dying on the inside. You abandon the formalities and begin the assessment. Once you are done with your assessment you tell her what you think you should do and you deliver the adjustment of your life.
The skies open up, angels descend, junior's soft, dilated pupils snap to focus sharply on you. Suddenly, the kid is there. The mother cannot believe her eyes. The accessory muscles in the neck go soft and the child takes a breath as deep and long as spring.
It is a long, long time before you can stop smiling. That's why I do it.
Friday, March 6, 2009
dude. whatever.
Looks like everyone is going to be there throwing in their two cents about what is wrong with American health care. It'll be like lollapalloza but with suits. Instead of Eddie Vedder they can have the surgeon general leading the wave across the rotunda. In a way I think that is long overdue, but ultimately, they aren't going to accomplish much. Not the wave part, I mean the open discussion, seeing a bunch on congressmen do the wave would be wicked cool.
American health care is not health care, it is focused on "sick" care. The paradigm looks like this: You do nothing until you feel sick, then you go to a doctor and get a pill. If your symptoms go away then you are "healthy" again. Oh sure, they want you to come in once a year to get a check-up. Once a year? And you can only talk about one topic with the doctor per visit? How do these people show their faces.
Here is the deal, I just want to say this now and get it out there, that way in 10-15 years when my patients are the only ones left in this country who are actually healthy I can say I told you so.
Health care in this country will continue to suck until we:
1) EDUCATE children on nutrition and make it cool to eat healthy. I say children because adults are too hooked on sugar and other "my mom gave it to me so it must be healthy" foods to change. It is this current generation of kids that need our help and will still listen.
2) Stop performing untested, dangerous pills and surgical procedures as the main form of health care. There are so many other, better ways to provide actual health care than teaching people to pop pills and get cut open.
I know this won't happen. Too much money is being made on Americans being sick, fat, depressed, and addicted for the idea to blossom. I just wanted to make sure I put it out there so that I can say I was right.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
1) The good old days.
My son loves to watch videos of himself. That's right, my 20 month-old son likes to watch our homemade videos of himself when he was just a couple weeks old. Don't ask, every time I talk about it I feel ancient. In this shot you can see one of the videos on the TV as I chase my tiny man through the room. Also pictured are the 3 year old toys that James is tall enough to play with. Can you feel me beaming?
One of our staff meetings at the office. We meet for a hour once a week to make sure everything is running smoothly, iron-out kinks in office flow, figure out why we left a patient in the re-exam room for 90 minutes, etc. As you can see, dancing is highly encouraged at the meeting, that is Dr. Mawer rocking a sweet robato in the background.
3) Bribed.
This is Jerry, he won the Fink Chiropractic Center pick' em league for 2008-2009. We gave him a trophy. We give out lots of trophies. Why? Are you kidding? Who doesn't want a trophy?!