I saw this sign at the dermatologist's office. Wow.
I realize that with insurance reimbursements dropping that doctors need to see more people in order to make the same amount of money (they do anyway, we are still seeing only the people we want to see), but this is grade-A malpractice. How the hell do you (the patient) know what is important or not important each time you go to the doctor? Is that a mole or a carcinoma? Is Timmy's cough nothing to worry about or TB? Are you putting on a couple pounds or is that a giant sebaceous cyst about to burst on your dinner guests? You don't know! You aren't the doctor so why in the hell shouldn't you be asking these questions.
But the doctor doesn't have time to answer all my questions!
Then find one who does! Jeez, get some respect for yourself and your health. Find one who hasn't built his practice around a failed paradigm and can make time to speak with you rather than treat you like you are a waste of time.
But you see people quickly, how is this any different?
Not quickly, we see people the quickest. Chiropractic lends itself to consistent, rapid visits. This lets us stay up to date with your health concerns. How? Because we see you more often you don't have to ask us a bunch of questions, we answer them as we go. If something more important pops up, then we do our job as doctors, find the answer then follow-up with you at a scheduled time. It's a beautiful thing.
This is the problem with the wait-until-it breaks-then-try-to-fix-it or if-I'm-not-in-pain-then-I'm-healthy paradigms. Most of them cannot/do not operate at anything resembling efficiency, but in this economic environment they are being forced to. How do they feel about it? How is it affecting the business of health care? Who knows, they aren't the one paying the price (pun intended).
You are.
1 comment:
Wow! You hear about this going on and then you see it! I am proud to say every patient asks and gets answered all qns that come up in our office!
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