Tuesday, September 15, 2009


When I was single, people used to try and set me up with their friends. I guess dating the unstable doctor was on a lot of people's bucket list. Anyway, during the blind date negotiations one topic that always came up, and got danced around, was the "looks" department.

"Yeah, you should go out with her, she's smart, funny, real cute."


"Duuuude, she's hot, you should go out with her. Plus its the only way her friend will go out with me."

I noticed that no one ever said "yeah, she is not ugly at all."

What does this have to do with my practice members?

When you think about your health, and the health of your kids, do you strive to be as healthy as you can? Or do you just want to be "not sick". I spoke with someone this week who didn't know there was a difference. Rest assured, there is. We are taught that just being "not sick" is good enough. As long as you don't have symptoms, you're fine. This is the reason that health care (other than at our office) is so terrible. Instead of being proactive, people wait until they cannot stand their symptoms any longer before they seek health. They do this because that is what they were/are instructed to do by their health care providers, either intentionally, or by inference . Think about the difference between a heart attack and minor chest pain. How much money, pain, and suffering could be avoided if we actually taught some prevention and health in our offices. The last numbers I looked at show actual health prevention and education at something like 5% of the national budget for health care. What a joke.

The difference between being healthy and being "not-sick" is the same as the difference between being gorgeous and being "not-ugly." Think long and hard about this. Please.