Thursday, April 22, 2010

I can haz reedin?

Continuing my 'Healthy Habits' rant, let's cover number 3.

Habit #3 -- Teach your kids to read. If they aren’t old enough to read, read to them.

Study after study demonstrates how kids who learn to read at a younger age place higher in standardized testing. Also, consider that there are almost 50 million Americans with poor literacy skills in this country. It isn’t because they aren’t intelligent. It is because literacy skills develop alongside cognition and visual skills. Simply put, reading to your kids, and encouraging your kids to read puts them ahead and gives them a great habit that will benefit them their entire lives. Giving them a head start on a skill as important as reading is a powerful gift. The sooner they read, the sooner they can start interacting with the world on their terms. It’s a big deal.

One side note, don't read 'There's is an Alligator Under My Bed' to a 2 year-old.

It's just not going to work out the way you want.

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