Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's what I do.

I don't make New Years resolutions.

Not that I think I'm perfect or anything like that (ish), I don't make them because I spend the majority of my time helping other people accomplish theirs.

I want to lose weight.
I gotta get back in the gym.
I want to live longer for my kids.
I'm going to stop looking and feeling like an old man.
I need to look better naked.

All valid New Years resolutions, and all well within my sphere of influence.

Tomorrow when we open our doors we will be in the New Year's resolution maelstrom. From January to February we dispense more health advice and (this is the kicker) it gets followed better than any other time of year.

We answer every single question, we follow up with our practice members, we design work-outs. It is an awesome sight.

So yeah, I'm not doing resolutions for myself. I'm too busy making other people's come true.

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