Tuesday, January 6, 2009

we still got love for the streets.

What's this thing you ask?

Its a trophy. Given to us by a group of our practice members.


Because I wasn't one of the "40 professionals under 40" award recipients. Despite the fact that my office completely dominates health care in our community through free public lectures, a book that I published, our spinal care class, my T.V. interview for the city on backpack safety, our office philosophy and physical layout with patient care at center stage. Not to mention that we are a referral only practice with a week long waiting list just to get in the door.

Yeah, we are awesome. We work harder than anyone else to make sure we are awesome. There is a reason why over 90% of the people who come into our office get/feel/are better according to a self reporting questionnaire we gave out in the fall.

But that's cool, I'm sure the chiropractor who did win has done a lot for the community, right? I'm sure his patient care model has revolutionized patient care, completely changing the failed paradigm of symptom-based tomfoolery.

Wrong. I'm not going into it here, but what a crock.

Apparently, word has gotten around our patient base about this brazen oversight. Yesterday we received this trophy.

I know doctors who can't get their patients to show up for an appointment, much less care whether their doctor wins recognition. If getting a trophy for not getting a trophy doesn't tell you how good we take care of our people then nothing will.

Also, whoever designed the city musuem downtown should get a trophy of thier own. That place owns.

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